30 April 2014

De-identifying Track Change Attribution in a Word document

This has nothing to do with "place" but it's a small victory worth sharing. Three cheers for small victories.

Huge SHOUT OUT to "Helen C." who answered a minor computing quandary for me today via this LinkedIn post: How to change user name for track-changes (retroactively).

For academics facing a Revise & Resubmit and needing to demonstrate changes via the "track-changes" mechanism in a Word document -- but also not wanting to jeopardize the double-blind peer-review process by having identifiable information in the document -- here you go:

"on a PC you go to the 'File' button in Word, click on 'Info' and you'll see 'Check for issues' next to the 'Prepare for sharing' box. Click on 'Check for issues' and select 'Inspect document', then click 'Inspect' in the dialogue box. One section under the review results will be 'Document properties and personal information'. If you click on 'Remove all', all changes will then be attributed to 'Author', rather than to individuals." 
Don't forget to save the document after you click the "Remove all" in order for the change to take effect.

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