23 September 2013

"All over the world, smart citizens take action."

From the smart folks at the Waag Society - institutue of art, science & technology...

 Excerpt from A Manifesto for Smart Citizens...

Smart Citizens:

 •Will take responsibility for the place they live, work and love in;
 •Value access over ownership, contribution over power;
 •Will ask forgiveness, not permission;
 •Know where they can get the tools, knowledge and support they need;
 •Value empathy, dialogue and trust; •Appropriate technology, rather than accept it as is;
 •Will help the people that struggle with smart stuff;
 •Ask questions, then more questions, before they come up with answers;
 •Actively take part in design efforts to come up with better solutions;
 •Work agile, prototype early, test quickly and know when to start over;
 •Will not stop in the face of seemingly huge boundaries/barriers;
 •Unremittingly share their knowledge and their learning, because they know this is where true value comes from.

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