07 June 2012

For the Record... Following Yesterday's Post.

For the record, I do not think rural people are all idiots. My prior post was written with a touch of anger and despair in light of the recent democratic ass-whuppin' here in Wisconsin. All people are idiots sometimes.

Even "over-educated liberal elitists" like myself are idiots sometimes. I could write about that, too, but, frankly, that would be a whole different blog. It'd be called "All the Ways I've Screwed Up, Over and Over and Over Again... Just Ask My Parents or My Wife." I'm a recovering cynic and an active skeptic. Forgive me. I slip. Sometimes I fall.

We are all subject to media influence and the trap of seeking out information to confirm our foregone conclusions. This is normative behavior, motivated reasoning. And it is part of life in modern society, for better and for worse.

Truth is, the ideals of a deliberative democracy are only approached through a pluralistic and open set of discourses on the potential direction of any group. Large or small, state or nation, we all need to work towards a common goal of more-or-less centrist progress. Some of my recent comments were reactionary and un-centered in ways that have caused a little turmoil. For that, I apologize.

On the upside, however, it has afforded a direct and vigorous dialogue among my lefty and righty friends. As much as I normally eschew controversy and conflict, it has been a good lesson in putting oneself out there and needing to take the heat of reprisal. Keep up the dialogue friends. It's the only way Forward.

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